Dust Wipe Clearance Testing

Dust Wipe Clearance Services Nyc

What is dust wipe clearance testing?

Renovation activities that disturb lead-based paint can create lead dust so
proper cleanup after these jobs is critical. The purpose of lead dust
clearance is to determine if the area is safe for re-occupancy.

  • Dust wipe testing is commonly performed as part of the initial lead inspection or survey and after lead abatement has been completed, in order to confirm that the lead has been fully abated.

  • Wipe sampling is mainly to determine whether the actual surface of the substrate contains lead.

cleannyc lead and mold solutions

When is dust wipe clearance testing required?

Dust wipe clearance testing is required to ensure appropriate clean-up was conducted after work that disturbed known or presumed lead-based paint.

Dust wipe clearance testing is a requirement whether the work is in response to a DOHMH violation, a HPD violation, or any repair or renovation work that disturbs more than two square feet of painted in a building built prior to 1960, where the presumption of lead-based paint applies and a child under age six resides.

Dust Wipe Clearance Testing

Why choose us?

Lead and mold contamination pose significant health risks and can result in costly repairs and renovations. When it comes to safeguarding your health and property, selecting the right partner for lead and mold solutions is of utmost importance. We understand the gravity of these issues and have the expertise, experience, and commitment to provide comprehensive solutions.

Expertise and Experience

We are certified, trained, and can well-versed in industry best practices. We stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in technology and regulations to deliver the most effective solutions.

Cost-Effective Solutions

We understand that lead and mold issues can be financially burdensome. Our company is dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. We offer competitive pricing and work efficiently to keep costs in check.

Proven Track Record

We have successfully completed numerous lead and mold remediation projects, earning the trust and satisfaction of our clients. Our portfolio showcases our dedication to excellence and our ability to deliver results.

Customer-Centric Approach

Customer satisfaction is at the core of our business. We collaborate closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and provide tailored solutions. We are ready to assist you at every stage of your project.